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Her words put wings on my feet

Her words put wings on my feet

This morning, a young woman I see most Thursday mornings when we both dress at the gym’s mirror told me that this was her last Thursday. She resigned from her job a couple of months before her graduate school classes will begin and she is going to visit friends in New Jersey, where she grew up, and spend a couple of weeks in Ireland. The first week in Ireland, her dad will be with her. He enjoys the cosmopolitan sights as well as the countryside. The second week her sister will join her. Her sister could happily live her whole life without ever going to a city. After we’d chatted about her plans and such, she stopped what she was doing suddenly and looked at me in the mirror. “I’m so glad you were here today. I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to tell you how much I look forward to seeing you on Thursday mornings. You give me such a lift.” I was stunned. She is young enough to be my daughter and I am flattered that she would find me enjoyable, old woman that I am. Her words put wings on my feet all day today and made me want to do that for someone else. That’s how putting goodness into the world works, I think.

A favorite colleague

A favorite colleague

I passed on an inquiry that came to me but was better addressed by one of my colleagues. I replied to the inquirer and copied Kate, my colleague: “I’m forwarding your question to Kate Manning, Joint Commission Know-it-all. The designation is not a grade-school taunt; it is an accurate statement applied with much affection and respect to a favorite colleague…”

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